Add, edit and track building retrofit initiatives – simple


European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 649727. Disclaimer: The sole responsibility for the content of this material lies with the authors. It does not necessarily represent the views of the European Union, and neither EASME nor the European Commission are responsible for any use of this material.

User Guidance


Dear User,

Welcome to the RenoWiki! You are among our first group of users, so we want to just see how it goes. Try out the platform without extensive user guidance and editing rules, and let us know what isn’t clear or intuitive.

A few pieces of general guidance to get you started:

INITIATIVES: We are including initiatives which significantly support the national strategy for energy efficient renovation in some way – by raising awareness, building skills and capacity, providing financial or economic supports, setting policies and organizing processes and decision making. This does not generally include for-profit services and goods, as this isn’t meant to be a promotional database. Initiative should be ongoing in nature – the Wiki doesn’t include old initiatives – and events and reports should generally go into the BUILD UPON events calendar or resources section rather than the Wiki.

CATEGORIES: There are of course initiatives which contain many elements and could sit in several categories, and others that sit in-between two. Use your best judgement about the central purpose of the initiative to find the right location for it, and if you think we have located any in the wrong place just let us know. There is meant to be some flexibility here. The categories are mostly there to simplify things and help us effectively exchange information around a limited number of topics.

DESCRIPTION: There is a 100 word limit to help keep the information in the RenoWiki manageable. It’s a coordination tool rather than a database. Be as factual and descriptive as you can be within that limit, and certainly try to avoid any overly promotional or critical language.

IMPACT: This isn’t required when you enter an initiative, but we would encourage all users to enter it. We’re really interested to see how initiatives are defining and tracking their impact, and if you’re doing this well we want to promote your initiative to others. Remember to let us know if the impact is actual or forecast, if it’s annual or just all impact to date.

CONTACT AN EXPERT: Many of you are experts! However this is intended to link to the specific person at the ‘Responsible Organisation’ who manages the initiative listed.

Enjoy using the Wiki – we’d love to hear your feedback. Email: [email protected]

Best wishes,

The Build Upon Team