Позицията на заинтересованите страни

Научете повече за различните гледни точки на заинтересованите страни, които са активни и демонстрират своята подкрепа и позиция за това как бихме могли да подходим към предизвикателството за реализиране на национална стратегия за обновяване на сградния фонд.

Building Users
Madrid Leaders Summit : Ruth Mourik (DuneWorks)

On why we need to users voices when addressing the renovation challenge

NGOs & Think Tanks
BUILD UPON Madrid Leaders Summit

In this video, leading organisations set out their views on the challenge

NGOs & Think Tanks
Madrid Leaders Summit: James Drinkwater

On the need for a collaborative process

NGOs & Think Tanks
Madrid Leaders Summit: Bruno Sauer (GBC España)

On how buildings can assist in meeting the terms of the Paris Agreement.

Energy Sector
Madrid Leaders Summit : Marco Marijewycz (E.ON)

On why collaboration is needed to bring solutions to the surface

Construction Businesses
Madrid Leaders Summit : Christophe Sykes (Construction Products Europe)

On the role of the construction industry in the renovation challenge

NGOs & Think Tanks
Madrid Leaders Summit : György Sümeghy (Habitat for Humanity EMEA)

On the the value of collaboration pan-European collaboration in dealing with the renovation challenge

Financial Services
Madrid Leaders Summit : Luca Bertalot (European Mortgage Federation)

On how we can create a win-win process for investments in energy efficiency

NGOs & Think Tanks
Madrid Leaders Summit : Jim Ritchie Dunham (Institute for Strategic Clarity)

On why we need to reach all stakeholders in the value chain to overcome the challenge

Construction Businesses
Madrid Leaders Summit : Quentin De Hults (BASF)

On how we cannot solve the renovation challenge alone.

NGOs & Think Tanks
Madrid Leaders Summit : Adrian Joyce (Renovate Europe Campaign)

On why we need to renovate at an unprecedented scale

NGOs & Think Tanks
Madrid Leaders Summit : Erica Hope (European Climate Federation)

On why the buildings sector is crucial to meeting our climate targets

Financial Services
Local Government
Madrid Leaders Summit : Peter Schilken (Energy Cities)

On the importance of engaging local citizens

Central Government
Madrid Leaders Summit : Frank Mischler (GIZ)

On why we need a more holistic approach

Construction Businesses
Madrid Leaders Summit : Katrine Bjerre Milling Eriksen (VELUX)

On why we need to focus on the importance of healthy buildings

Central Government
Madrid Leaders Summit : Frédéric Auclair (UNEP – SBCI)

On UNEP's role in tackling the renovation challenge

NGOs & Think Tanks
Christoph Hinske, impactresilience.com (Germany)

On the key elements that makes ‘big change’ happen.

NGOs & Think Tanks
Alan Perl, Croatia GBC

On the key challenges in implementing Croatia’s national renovation strategy.

NGOs & Think Tanks
Patty Fong, The European Climate Foundation (The Netherlands)

On the importance of political leadership in delivering national renovation strategies.

Construction Businesses
Quentin De Hults, BASF (Belgium)

On the importance of clearly defining long term goals within national renovation strategies.

NGOs & Think Tanks
Marion Jammet, Irish GBC

On the challenge of awareness raising in delivering national renovation strategies in Ireland.

NGOs & Think Tanks
Bengt Wånggren, Sweden GBC

On the need to make renovation strategies more ambitous.

Central Government
Anna Moreno, ENEA (Italy)

On how education and training are the key challenges in delivering renovation strategies.

Energy Sector
Marco Marijewycz, EON (UK)

On municipal authorities role in co-coordinating financial and social capital to synchronise objectives in the EU heating and cooling strategy with those of national renovation strategies.

Local Government
Janis Dripe,Latvian Ministry of Culture,RISEBA University (Latvia)

On how the implementation of the renovation strategies must not compromise cultural heritage.

Central Government
Kevin O’ Rourke, Marchena Management Services (Ireland)

On the critical role of government in enabling policy that drives the renovation market.

Construction Businesses
Chris Jofeh, Arup (UK)

On why the key challenges relate to the scale of the issue.

NGOs & Think Tanks
Emilio Miguel Mitre, GBCe (Spain)

On why the key challenge is to ensure the strategies work!

Construction Businesses
Céline Carré, Saint-Gobain (Belgium)

On why the key challenges are alignment and engagement.

Energy Sector
Marco Marijewcz, E.ON (UK)

On why the key challenge is dealing with fragmentation

Central Government
Anders Sjelvgren, Boverket (Sweden)

On why the key challenge is finding solutions for low income areas

Construction Businesses
Roland Hunziker, WBCSD (Switzerland)

On why the key challenge is creating a vision that stakeholder can align around.

NGOs & Think Tanks
James Drinkwater, WorldGBC (UK)

On why the key challenge is simplifying the current landscape.

NGOs & Think Tanks
Christophe Hinske, ISC (Germany)

On why the key challenge is a question of collaboration.

Local Government
Ingrid Konrad, City of Bratislava (Slovakia)

On why the key challenge is legislation.

Construction Businesses
Ondrej Sramek, Knauf Insulation (Czech Republic)

On why the key challenge is simply establishing strategies.

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