Further details of the Madrid Leaders’ Summit announced!
In April, countries around the world signed the historic Paris Agreement reached at COP 21. Europe must now raise its ambition, and one of the greatest environmental and societal challenges we collectively face is the renovation of Europe’s buildings.
The Summit Partners are coming together to host renovation leaders from across Europe at a two day Leaders’ Summit in Madrid on 20-21 September 2016, to take on this challenge. The Summit will focus on how we co-design and co-implement long-term national renovation strategies to radically improve the energy efficiency of our existing buildings – building ambition ahead of COP 22 and the release of the EU’s energy efficiency package.
Summit participants will:
- Be part of a unique event, directly helping us shape a common vision for Europe’s existing buildings and a plan for coordinated action.
- Network with experts from across Europe from government, cities, energy companies, financial institutions, building owners/occupiers, construction businesses, NGOs and more.
- Enjoy inspiring speakers, but most of all have time to really engage with otherleaders in an intense interactive format, share your work and learn from others.
Help Mobilize Finance for Renovation!
At the Summit the European Mortgage Federation-European Covered Bond Council (EMF-ECBC) will launch a project to define a European energy efficient mortgage label and build the data needed to grow green lending practices across the region. We will be using theSummit to build support for this key new initiative and count on your support! Read more.
We look forward to welcoming you at the Summit.
Further information and registration details for the summit can be found at: https://buildupon2.eu/event/leaderssummit/