Workshop 5. Certification for deep renovation of multi-family buildings
Join us in designing a future certification system for deep renovation!
Date: 24.01.2017
City: Citykonferensen Ingenjörshuset, room Celsius, Malmskillnadsgatan 46, Stockholm
On January the 24th, Sweden Green Building Council(SGBC) and Energieffektiviseringsföretagen(EEF) are arranging a workshop in Stockholm about developing a certification system for deep renovation of existing multifamily buildings. Energy efficient renovation of multifamily residences is much-needed in Sweden and the government has decided to provide financial support for retrofitting. But how do we carry out these renovations in the best way? We believe a certification system is an important step in the right direction for sustainable renovation and we hope you want to contribute to this valuable effort.
The morning session starts with several short introductions about existing certification systems. Thereafter, participants will be divided into smaller groups to discuss what to learn from existing systems and how to design an optimal certification system for deep renovation. In the afternoon, we will focus on how SGBC and EEF can support your business in realizing deep energy-efficient renovations at a large scale.
Key expected outcomes:
Identify what we can learn from the existing certification systems and what other factors that need to be considered in designing an optimal certification system for deep renovation.
More info: