BUILD UPON – Italian Closing Event

On February 16th,BUILD UPON Italian dialogue journey will close in Rome. Italian stakeholders of the construction sector will meet to collect the results of the collaborative policy making process.
GBC Italia will give evidence of the place and route of collaborative processes initiated in the various stages of the dialogue between the stakeholders.
Build Upon is an innovation project funded by Horizon 2020 Framework Programme and led by 14 European organizations, with the aim to support Member States to plan long-term national strategies for improving the quality of existing buildings and exploit the potential for energy savings measures implementation.
In fact, the general goal of Build Upon project was to create a platform for supporting the dialogue among policy makers and key stakeholders of EU countries to support the design and implementation of the second edition of the national renovation strategy.
The round table will address the importance of participatory processes for the implementation of the deep renovation of existing buildings.


Nadia Boschi
, Vice-presidentGBC Italia

Welcome words:
Gianni Silvestrini, President GBC Italia
Riccardo Hopps,  Chapter Lazio – GBC Italia

BUILD UPON dialogue journey
Sebastiano Cristoforetti, Steering Committee Build Upon – GBC Italia

Gianni Silvestrini, President GBC Italia
Federico Testa, President ENEA
Mauro Mallone, Ministero Sviluppo Economico* (Ministery of Economic Development)
Alessandro Carettoni, Ministero dell’Ambiente (Ministery of the Evironment)
Loredana Campagna, Ministero Infrastrutture e Trasporti (Ministery of infrastructures and Transports)
Tommaso Dal Bosco, IFEL – Fondazione ANCI
Andrea Poggio, Legambiente
Virginio Trivella, Renovate Italy-Europe




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